
Showing posts from October, 2022
  Swedish Snus  vs.  Nicotine Pouches What are the differences?   Most people have aren't sure of the differences between Swedish Snus and nicotine pouches. There are several similarities; both are a pouch based nicotine product, they look quite similar and even feel similar. So what are the major differences? :-   ​ What is swedish snus? ​ Snus was   first manufactured in Sweden in the early 18th century. and that is why it is still often referred to as Swedish snus. The original Swedish snus brands were registered in 1822. It is a powdered tobacco product, packaged in a pouch (usually called a portion). Nearly all Swedish snus brands contain ground tobacco leaves, water, and sodium carbonate. Some may contain flavourings, such as mint or menthol. However Swedish snus is relatively unknown in the UK given the ban on the sale of oral tobacco products in 1992. ​ What is a nicotine pouch ?  ​ A nicotine pouch is a smoke free, vapour free, and tobacco free product designed to deliver